John I of Nassau, Bishop-Elect of Utrecht

John I of Nassau, Bishop-Elect of Utrecht
John I of Nassau, Bishop-Elect of Utrecht

John of Nassau, German: Johann von Nassau, Dutch: Jan van Nassau was a clergyman from the House of Nassau. From 1267 to 1290 he was Bishop-Elect of the Bishopric of Utrecht as John I. He did not care much for his spiritual functions, and his government also failed due to his weak political and poor financial management. During his reign, the influence of the County of Holland in the Bishopric greatly increased. John's government was one of the worst the Bishopric had to endure; without talent and energy, slavishly surrendering to all sensual pleasures, it was never possible for him to maintain the inner peace, under which the Nedersticht in particular suffered greatly.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
13 de julio, 1309
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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