Henry II, Count of Nassau

Henry II, Count of Nassau

Henry II "the Rich" of Nassau, German: Heinrich II. "der Reiche" von Nassau was Count of Nassau. He distinguished himself in particular by his chivalrous and devout spirit. He was charitable and made great donations to the church, so that the monasteries and prayer houses in the area of present-day Nassau experienced the most significant bloom in his time. The greatest favour was the Teutonic Order to enjoy, to which he donated especially for the renunciation of his brother's, upon his entry into the order. Henry participated in the Sixth Crusade. He was the builder of the castles Sonnenberg, Ginsburg and Dillenburg.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
30 de noviembre, 1179
Fecha de nacimiento
30 de noviembre, 1299
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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