Wang Hau-yu

Wang Hau-yu
Wang Hau-yu

Wang Hao-yu is a Taiwanese politician. He was elected to the Taoyuan City Council representing District 7 from 2014 to 2021 as a member of the Green Party. He left the Green Party on January 11, 2020 and joined the Democratic Progressive Party on February 6, 2020. He was successfully recalled on January 16, 2021 with 92.23% in favor, 7.7% against, and a 28% turnout, exceeding the required 25%. The successful recall was the first for a city councillor in a special municipality.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
29 de octubre, 1988
Lugar de nacimiento
Taiwan, Taiwan Province
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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