Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones
Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones es un actor y cineasta estadounidense. Ha recibido cuatro nominaciones al Premio de la Academia, ganando el premio en la categoría de mejor actor de reparto por su actuación como el alguacil Samuel Gerard en la película de suspense de 1993 El fugitivo.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
15 de septiembre, 1946
Lugar de nacimiento
United States of America, Texas
184 cm | 6'0
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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Ed Tom Bell in No Country for Old Men
Kay in Men in Black
Agent K in Men in Black 3
Samuel Gerard in The Fugitive
CIA Director Robert Dewey in Jason Bourne
Harvey Two-Face, Harvey Dent in Batman Forever
H. Clifford McBride in Ad Astra
Samuel Gerard in U.S. Marshals
Hank Deerfield in In the Valley of Elah
Travis in Double Jeopardy
Hawk Hawkins in Space Cowboys
William Strannix in Under Siege
Mike Roark in Volcano
Roy Foltrigg in The Client
Max Adams in Mechanic: Resurrection
Colonel Hayes Hodges in Rules of Engagement
L.T. Bonham in The Hunted
Gene McClary in The Company Men
Arnold in Hope Springs
Samuel Jones in The Missing
George Briggs in The Homesman
Gaerity in Blown Away
Woodrow F. Call in Lonesome Dove
Roland Sharp in Man of the House
Doolittle Lynn in Coal Miner's Daughter
Dave Robicheaux in In the Electric Mist
Steve Butler in Heaven & Earth
Thomas Boyette in The Package
John Neville in Eyes of Laura Mars
Hank Marshall in Blue Sky
Cosmo in Stormy Monday
Captain Bully Hayes in Nate and Hayes
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