Thado Minsaw of Ava

Thado Minsaw of Ava

Thado Minsaw was viceroy of Ava (Inwa) from 1555 to 1584 during the reigns of kings Bayinnaung and Nanda of Toungoo Dynasty of Burma (Myanmar). He fought alongside his brothers Bayinnaung, Minye Sithu, Thado Dhamma Yaza II and Minkhaung II, and his nephew Nanda in nearly every campaign from the 1550s to 1570s that rebuilt, expanded and defended the Toungoo Empire. Two years after Bayinnaung's death, he raised the first serious rebellion against the rule of Nanda. Although his rebellion was defeated in April 1584, it had set in motion more rebellions elsewhere that ultimately led to the collapse of the empire in the next 15 years.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
20 de mayo, 1531
Lugar de nacimiento
Myanmar, Bago
Fecha de nacimiento
01 de mayo, 1584
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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