Sumitomo Masatomo

Sumitomo Masatomo

Sumitomo Masatomo was a Japanese copper mining businessman credited with founding the eponymous Sumitomo Group. He was a 8th generation descendant of Sumitomo Tadashige. Sumitomo Tadashige said to be 22nd generation descendant of Taira no Takamochiwho was a grandson of 50th Emperor of Japan, Emperor Kanmu. Originally he was a Buddhist monk. During his lifetime, there were mainly two sectors of Buddhist monks in Japan. Masatomo belonged to one of the two which later ceased to exist. Reluctant to join the other group of Buddhist monks, he turned to business to make a living. He started his business by selling books and medicines at first in a bookshop in Kyoto circa 1615.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
31 de diciembre, 1585
Lugar de nacimiento
Fecha de nacimiento
01 de enero, 1652
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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