Steve Chapin

Steve Chapin

Stephen Chapin is an American singer-songwriter. He is best known as the youngest of the four Chapin brothers, which include Harry Chapin and Tom Chapin and is son of drummer Jim Chapin and Elspeth Burke Chapin Hart, editor, artist and matriarch of the Burke, Leacock, Chapin clan. He is the father of Christina Chapin, Frankie Chapin, and Jonathan Chapin. He is the uncle of Jen Chapin and The Chapin Sisters. He has toured nationally and internationally, with his own band; The Harry Chapin Band; and with his late brother Harry Chapin as his band leader, musical director, arranger, producer, piano player/multi instrumentalist and singer. He continues to perform concerts all over the world with The Harry Chapin Band which includes the original members of the band: Steve Chapin, Big John Wallace, and Howard Fields, and new members since 2005, Clark Wallace and Jonathan Chapin.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
30 de diciembre, 1946
Lugar de nacimiento
United States of America, New York
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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