Seán Flanagan

Seán Flanagan
Seán Flanagan

Seán Flanagan was an Irish Fianna Fáil politician who served as Minister for Health from 1966 to 1969, Minister for Lands from 1969 to 1973 and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Industry and Commerce from 1965 to 1966. He served as a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the Connacht–Ulster constituency from 1979 to 1989. He served as a Teachta Dála (TD) for the Mayo South constituency from 1951 to 1969 and for the Mayo East constituency from 1969 to 1977.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
26 de enero, 1922
Lugar de nacimiento
Ireland, Connacht, County Mayo
Fecha de nacimiento
05 de febrero, 1993
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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