Savik Shuster

Savik Shuster
Savik Shuster

Savik Shuster is a journalist and Ukrainian political TV shows anchor. He presented The Freedom By Savik Shuster and starting in 2005 Svoboda slova on ICTV. From December 2015 he produces and lead political talk shows on his independent, after he has been cancelled from several tycoon-owned TVs. In December 2016 announced cease of activity and on 1 March 2017 the channel stopped broadcasting. According to official statement the reason thereof is business being no longer viable due to several litigations and corresponding financial constraints. All court cases were subsequently closed due to lack of substance. In 2019 Shuster came back to Ukraine as anchor of "Svoboda Slova Savika Shustera" at "Ukraina" TV channel.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
22 de noviembre, 1952
Lugar de nacimiento
Lithuania, Vilnius County
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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