Samuel Francis Du Pont

Samuel Francis Du Pont
Samuel Francis Du Pont

Samuel Francis Du Pont was a rear admiral in the United States Navy, and a member of the prominent Du Pont family. In the Mexican–American War, Du Pont captured San Diego, and was made commander of the California naval blockade. Through the 1850s, he promoted engineering studies at the United States Naval Academy, to enable more mobile and aggressive operations. In the American Civil War, he played a major role in making the Union blockade effective, but was controversially blamed for the failed attack on Charleston, South Carolina in April 1863.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
27 de septiembre, 1803
Lugar de nacimiento
United States of America, New Jersey
Fecha de nacimiento
23 de junio, 1865
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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