Rudolf Schwarz

Rudolf Schwarz
Rudolf Schwarz

Rudolf Schwarz was a German architect known for his work on Kirche St. Fronleichnam, Aachen. He also played a decisive part in the reconstruction of Cologne after the Second World War. He took a leading tole with Cologne's reconstruction authority between 1947 and 1952, contributing to the rebuilding of the city with some of his own designs. Among these is the Wallraf-Richartz Museum (1956), which now houses the Museum of Applied Art. He also reconstructed the pilgrimage church of Saint Anne in Düren, near Aachen, which is probably his most famous work.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
15 de mayo, 1897
Lugar de nacimiento
France, Grand Est
Fecha de nacimiento
03 de abril, 1961
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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