Rodrigo Pérez de Traba

Rodrigo Pérez de Traba
Rodrigo Pérez de Traba

Rodrigo Pérez de Traba, called el Velloso, was a Galician magnate who rose to prominence after the coronation of Alfonso VII as co-ruler of León in 1111. He served Alfonso at court in his early years, but was given increased responsibility in Galicia after the death of Alfonso's mother, Queen Urraca (1126). After about 1132 he became increasingly involved in the politics of Portugal, whose invasion of Galicia he supported in 1137. Even after León and Portugal made peace in 1141 Rodrigo was largely excluded from Leonese politics, with the notable exception of the military campaigns of 1147, until 1152. Thereafter until his death he was the dominant lay figure in Galicia.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
30 de noviembre, 1110
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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