Robert Adcock

Robert Adcock

Robert Adcock is an English badminton player. In 2005, he won the boys' and mixed doubles title at the English National Junior Championships partnered with Edward Foster and Jennifer Wallwork repeating the success with the same partners of the under 17 national championships in 2003. In his under 19 year, he also won the boys' and mixed doubles silver medals at the European Junior Championships. He won bronze medal at the 2006 World University Championships in Wuhan, China, in the mixed doubles event partnered with Hayley Connor. In 2007, Adcock competed at the World Championships in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the men's doubles event with Robin Middleton, and in 2008, he competed at the European Championships. Adcock who was partnered with Middleton was defeated in the quarter finals round to the 4th seeded German pair Kristof Hopp and Ingo Kindervater in the straight games.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
09 de agosto, 1986
Lugar de nacimiento
United Kingdom, England
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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