Queen Seonjeong

Queen Seonjeong

Queen Seonjeong of the Gim clan, also known as Queen Mother Seonjeong or Queen Mother Jeongseon was a member of the Goryeo royal family. Born as the youngest daughter of Duke Gangneung, a grandson of King Munjong, she became a queen consort through her marriage with her second half cousin once removed, King Sinjong. Her son, King Huijong became king after her husband's abdication. She was one of several Goryeo queens to take their mother's clan name over their father's and eventually became an ancestor of Gongyang. She was the youngest among Queen Janggyeong, Marchioness Daeryeong and Queen Uijeong.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
01 de enero, 1222
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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