Pebe Sebert

Pebe Sebert
Pebe Sebert

Rosemary Patricia "Pebe" Sebert is an American singer and songwriter from Brentwood, Tennessee, and the mother of singer and songwriter Kesha. Sebert has co-written number-one hits for Dolly Parton, Pitbull, and Kesha. Sebert and Kesha have written 11 published songs together. The songs Sebert wrote for other artists have combined sales of over 8 million copies in the United States alone. In 2013, Sebert appeared as a regular on reality show Kesha: My Crazy Beautiful Life, which starred Kesha and was filmed by her son Lagan.

From *,
Información General
Nombre completo
Rosemary Patricia Sebert
Fecha de nacimiento
17 de marzo, 1956
Lugar de nacimiento
United States of America, Indiana
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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