Narapati of Ava

Narapati of Ava

Narapati I of Ava was king of Ava from 1442 to 1468. In the early years of his reign, this former viceroy of Prome (Pyay) was forced to deal with raids from the Shan State of Mogaung as well as the Ming Chinese intrusions into Avan territory (1444–1446). In the wake of renewed Chinese determination to pacify the Yunnan frontier region, Narapati was able to maintain Ava's control of northern Shan States of Kale and Mohnyin, and gained allegiance of Thibaw. However, he continued to have trouble with Toungoo which was in revolt between 1451 and 1459. One of his grandsons attempted on his life in June 1467. The king fled Ava for Prome and died there in July 1468.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
07 de junio, 1413
Fecha de nacimiento
24 de julio, 1468
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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