Naomi Watts

Naomi Watts
Naomi Watts

Naomi Ellen Watts es una actriz inglesa.

From *,
Información General
Nombre completo
Naomi Ellen Watts
Fecha de nacimiento
28 de septiembre, 1968
Lugar de nacimiento
United Kingdom, England
164 cm | 5'5
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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Ann Darrow in King Kong
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Rachel in The Ring
Maria in The Impossible
Cristina Peck in 21 Grams
Kitty Fane in The Painted Veil
Helen Gandy in J. Edgar
Karen in Demolition
Daka in St. Vincent
Eleanor Whitman in The International
Rachel in The Ring Two
Lila Culpepper in Stay
Valerie Plame in Fair Game
Ann Patterson in Dream House
Cornelia in While We're Young
Lil in Two Mothers
Rose Mary in The Glass Castle
Susan Carpenter in The Book of Henry
Jet Girl in Tank Girl
Julia Cook in Ned Kelly
Diana in Diana
Jean Holloway in Gypsy
Elizabeth in Mother and Child
Joan Brennan in The Sea of Trees
Amy Edgar in Luce
Mary in Shut In
Roxeanne de Persand in Le Divorce
Janey-E Jones in Twin Peaks
Gretchen Carlson in The Loudest Voice
Linda in Chuck
Jennifer Evans in Down
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