Muirecán mac Diarmata

Muirecán mac Diarmata

Muirecán mac Diarmata was a King of Leinster of the Uí Fáeláin sept of the Uí Dúnlainge branch of the Laigin. This sept had their royal seat at Naas in the eastern part of the Liffey plain, Airthir Liphi. He was the son of Diarmait mac Ruadrach, King of Airthir Liphi. His uncle Muiredach mac Ruadrach and grandfather Ruaidrí mac Fáeláin were Kings of Leinster.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
30 de noviembre, 0862
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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