Muireadhach II

Muireadhach II

Muireadach II of Menteith, ruled 1213-1231, was the son of Gille Críst and the third known Mormaer of Menteith. Muireadach gained the Mormaerdom by challenging the rights of the current Mormaer, his elder brother, also called Muireadhach, hence Muireadhch Mór. The case apparently went to arbitration, and the king decided on the right of Muireadhch Óg. On 13 December 1213, Muireadhach Mór resigned the Mormaerdom, taking lesser lands and titles in compensation.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
01 de enero, 1230
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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