Mohammed Nisham

Mohammed Nisham

Mohammed Nisham A A is a convicted murderer currently lodged in a prison in Kerala, India. He hails from Muttichoor, a town near Padiyam and the Kurumali River in Thrissur district in Kerala. Nisham is primarily into tobacco and real estate businesses. He is the managing partner of Kings Beedi Co., based in Thirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. The company was founded by his late father, Adakkaparambil B Abdulkader. Apart from being a prominent tobacco supplier, he has hotel and jewellery businesses in the Middle East. He has a collection of Costly and Luxurious cars including Bentley, Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin, Range Rover, Ferrari and Jaguar, Porsche,two Lamborghini, Hayabusa.

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