Marlia Hardi

Marlia Hardi
Marlia Hardi

Marlia Hardi was an Indonesian film actress active from 1951 to 1983. Born in the Central Javan city of Magelang, she took to the stage in the 1940s before moving to Jakarta in 1949. Two years later she made her feature film debut in Untuk Sang Merah Putih. Over the next two decades she appeared in over seventy films, became recognized for her depictions of mothers, and received the Citra Award for Best Supporting Actress. Despite her productiveness, however, she sank into debt and committed suicide at the age of fifty-seven.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
10 de marzo, 1927
Lugar de nacimiento
Indonesia, Central Java
Fecha de nacimiento
18 de junio, 1984
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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