Lucie, Lady Duff-Gordon

Lucie, Lady Duff-Gordon
Lucie, Lady Duff-Gordon

Lucie, Lady Duff-Gordon was an English author and translator who wrote as Lucie Gordon. She is best known for her Letters from Egypt, 1863–1865 (1865) and Last Letters from Egypt (1875), most of which are addressed to her husband, Alexander Duff-Gordon, and her mother, Sarah Austin. Having moved in prominent literary circles in London, she contracted tuberculosis and migrated in 1861 to South Africa for health reasons. She travelled on to Egypt in 1862 where she settled in Luxor, learnt Arabic, and wrote many letters about Egyptian culture, religion, and customs. Her letters are notable for humour, outrage at the ruling Ottomans, and many personal stories from the people around her.

From *,
Información General
Nombre completo
Lucie Austin
Fecha de nacimiento
24 de junio, 1821
Lugar de nacimiento
United Kingdom, England
Fecha de nacimiento
14 de julio, 1869
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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