Lucia Visconti

Lucia Visconti

Lucia Visconti was a Milanese aristocrat who was the Countess of Kent by marriage from 1407 to 1424. She was one of fifteen legitimate children of Bernabò Visconti, who, along with his brother Galeazzo, was Lord of Milan. Her father negotiated for his infant daughter to marry Louis II of Anjou but Bernabò was deposed and the negotiations dropped. As a teenager, it was then intended that she marry the English noble Henry Bolingbroke, whom she had met as a girl, but after he was banished to France, the marriage negotiations were suspended. She was briefly wedded in 1399 to the future Elector of Saxony Fredrick of Thuringia, before the marriage was annulled.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
01 de enero, 1372
Lugar de nacimiento
Italy, Lombardy
Fecha de nacimiento
14 de abril, 1424
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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