Elizabeth Dawn

Elizabeth Dawn
Elizabeth Dawn

Sylvia Ann Ibbetson, known professionally as Elizabeth Dawn or Liz Dawn, was an English actress, best known for her role as Vera Duckworth in the long-running British soap opera Coronation Street. First starting on the serial in 1974, she had a recurring role as a factory worker until her husband, Jack, first appeared in 1979. She played the character of Vera for 34 years. For her role in the soap, she received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2008 British Soap Awards. She was appointed an MBE in the 2000 Queens Birthday Honours.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
08 de noviembre, 1939
Lugar de nacimiento
United Kingdom, England
Fecha de nacimiento
25 de septiembre, 2017
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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