Jules Deelder

Jules Deelder
Jules Deelder

Jules Anton Deelder was a Dutch poet, spoken word poet and writer. His poems cover topics such as life in the city of Rotterdam, drug use, and jazz. He was very passionate about the Dutch language and feared that European integration would cause smaller languages like Dutch to become a "folkloric" curiosity. He was well known in the Netherlands for his live performances and appearances in Dutch popular media. He collaborated with musicians and bands such as Herman Brood, Benjamin Herman and Bas van Lier to record and perform his poetry. His prominent role in the cultural life of Rotterdam earned him the nickname "night mayor of Rotterdam."

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Nombre completo
Justus Anton Deelder
Fecha de nacimiento
24 de noviembre, 1944
Lugar de nacimiento
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Netherlands, South Holland
Fecha de nacimiento
19 de diciembre, 2019
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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