Jagat Singh I

Jagat Singh I
Jagat Singh I

Jagat Singh I, was the Maharana of Mewar Kingdom in Rajputana, India. He was a son of Maharana Karan Singh II. Jagat Singh built a wall around the Chittor Fort. When Shahjahan heard of it, he sent his noble wajir Sadullah Khan to invade Mewar because Shahjahan thought that Jagat Singh broke the treaty that his father made with Amar Singh. The treaty had a clause that any Rana of Mewar cannot build any defence or safe wall around the fort. The Rana sent his messengers when Sadullah Khan reached the borders of Mewar, the misunderstanding was soon resolved and the Mughals turned back. Rana Jagat Singh Made a new treaty with Shahjahan and demolished the wall that he built around the fort.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
01 de enero, 1607
Lugar de nacimiento
Fecha de nacimiento
10 de abril, 1652
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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