Jade Etherington

Jade Etherington
Jade Etherington

Jade Etherington is a British former alpine skier who, with her sighted guide Caroline Powell, won silver in the women's downhill skiing, combined and slalom, and bronze medals in the Super-G at the 2014 Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi. Their three silvers and a bronze at the Winter Paralympics made them the most successful female British Winter Paralympians of all time, and the first Britons to win four medals at one Paralympics. Because of her success at the 2014 Paralympics, Etherington was the British flagbearer at the 2014 Winter Paralympics closing ceremony.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
09 de marzo, 1991
Lugar de nacimiento
United Kingdom, England
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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