Herman Vandenburg Ames

Herman Vandenburg Ames
Herman Vandenburg Ames

Herman Vandenburg Ames was an American legal historian, archivist, and professor of United States constitutional history at the University of Pennsylvania and, from 1907 to 1928, dean of its graduate school. His 1897 monograph, The Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the United States During the First Century of Its History, was a landmark work in American constitutional history. Other works by Ames included John C. Calhoun and the Secession Movement of 1850, Slavery and the Union 1845–1861, and The X.Y.Z. Letters, the latter of which he authored with John Bach McMaster. Among his notable students were Ezra Pound, John Musser, and Herbert Eugene Bolton.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
07 de agosto, 1865
Lugar de nacimiento
United States of America, Massachusetts
Fecha de nacimiento
07 de febrero, 1935
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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