Glen Sonmor

Glen Sonmor

Glen Robert Sonmor was a Canadian professional ice hockey player, scout and coach. He played 28 games in the National Hockey League with the New York Rangers from 1953 to 1955, though most of his career was spent in the minor American Hockey League. After his playing career, Sonmor turned to coaching. He led the University of Minnesota from 1966 to 1972, then went to the World Hockey Association, where he was the general manager, and occasional coach, of the Minnesota Fighting Saints and Birmingham Bulls between 1972 and 1978. He then moved to the NHL to coach the Minnesota North Stars from 1978 to 1987. Later in his career, Sonmor became a scout for the Minnesota Wild of the NHL.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
22 de abril, 1929
Lugar de nacimiento
Canada, Saskatchewan
Fecha de nacimiento
14 de diciembre, 2015
Murió envejecido
Jugador de hockey
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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