Ganyu Kenji

Ganyu Kenji
Ganyu Kenji

Ganyū Kenji is a former sumo wrestler from Himeji, Hyōgo, Japan. He made his professional debut in March 1986, and reached the top division in March 1996. His highest rank was maegashira 1. In May 1999 he continued fighting in the tournament despite having ligament damage in his ankle, in search of the eighth win that would give him a winning record. He was also restricted by persistent knee problems. He retired in May 2000 and became an elder in the Japan Sumo Association under the name Yamahibiki. He took over the running over the Kitanoumi stable in November 2015 after the death of its founder and head, former yokozuna Kitanoumi. The stable was renamed Yamahibiki stable. He was elected to the Sumo Association's board of directors in 2018.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
06 de agosto, 1970
Lugar de nacimiento
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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