Farley Mowat

Farley Mowat
Farley Mowat

Farley McGill Mowat, was a Canadian writer and environmentalist. His works were translated into 52 languages, and he sold more than 17 million books. He achieved fame with the publication of his books on the Canadian north, such as People of the Deer (1952) and Never Cry Wolf (1963). The latter, an account of his experiences with wolves in the Arctic, was made into a film of the same name released in 1983. For his body of work as a writer he won the annual Vicky Metcalf Award for Children's Literature in 1970.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
12 de mayo, 1921
Lugar de nacimiento
Canada, Ontario
Fecha de nacimiento
06 de mayo, 2014
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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