Erik Magnus Staël von Holstein

Erik Magnus Staël von Holstein
Erik Magnus Staël von Holstein

Baron Erik Magnus Staël von Holstein, was a Swedish diplomat, soldier and courtier best known for being Sweden's Ambassador to France during the end of the Ancien Regime and the early years of the French Revolution, as well as being the husband of Madame de Staël. Erik Magnus assisted Gustav III during the Swedish Revolution of 1772 and was later named Chamberlain to Queen Sophia Magdalena. In 1783, he was appointed chargé d'affaires to the Court of France, and in 1785 he was named Ambassador. On 21 January 1786, he married the daughter of the French Minister of Finance, Jacques Necker, mademoiselle Anne Louise Germaine Necker, who was to achieve fame as "Madame de Staël".

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
25 de octubre, 1749
Lugar de nacimiento
Sweden, Östergötland County
Fecha de nacimiento
09 de mayo, 1802
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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