Emily Tennyson, Lady Tennyson

Emily Tennyson, Lady Tennyson
Emily Tennyson, Lady Tennyson

Emily Sarah Tennyson, Baroness Tennyson, known as Emily, Lady Tennyson, was the wife of the poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson, and a creative talent in her own right. Emily was the oldest of three daughters, raised by a single father, after her mother Sarah died when she was three years old. Her father, a successful lawyer, was devoted to her and her sisters and ensured that they had a good education. She met Alfred when she was a girl, but they did not develop a romantic relationship until his brother Charles married her sister Louisa. It was thirteen years before they would marry, due to her father's concerns about the degree to which Tennyson could provide for her on a poet's salary. When his career became more successful, Emily and Alfred married.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
09 de julio, 1813
Lugar de nacimiento
United Kingdom, England
Fecha de nacimiento
10 de agosto, 1896
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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