Emanuel Czuber

Emanuel Czuber
Emanuel Czuber

Emanuel Czuber was an Austrian mathematician. He graduated from a German secondary school (Realschule) in 1869 and continued his studies at the German Technical University in Prague, where he played an active part in the Association for Free Lectures on Mathematics - a student association and the predecessor of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists. From 1872 to 1874, while he was still a student, he acted as an assistant to Karel Koristka. He submitted his habilitation thesis on practical geometry (geodesy) to the Technical University at Prague in 1876 and obtained the right to lecture. From 1875 to 1886 he taught at the Second German Realschule in Prague. He married Johanna Liebleina in 1878 and had a daughter Berta, born in 1879.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
19 de enero, 1851
Lugar de nacimiento
Czech Republic
Fecha de nacimiento
22 de agosto, 1925
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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