Elizabeth Counsell

Elizabeth Counsell

Elizabeth Counsell is an English actress, best known for starring in the BBC television series Brush Strokes, and for her work in classical theatre. She played Lady Macbeth to Michael Gambon's Macbeth at the Forum Theatre, Billingham in 1968, and was Michael Redgrave's leading lady in his anthology Shakespeare's People, 1976-77. In 1983 she took the nominal part in Peter Hall's Jean Seberg at the Royal National Theatre. Her film career includes roles in Hot Millions (1968), Anne of the Thousand Days (1969), Doctor at Sea (1974), Under the Doctor (1976), Killer's Moon (1978), and Claudia (1985). Her most recent film appearances include the 2012 film Song for Marion with Vanessa Redgrave, and the 2014 film Grace of Monaco starring Nicole Kidman. Her most recent appearance is in the second series of the BBC1 drama The Split (2020).

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
07 de junio, 1942
Lugar de nacimiento
United Kingdom, England
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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