Dominique Lavanant

Dominique Lavanant
Dominique Lavanant

Dominique Lavanant is a César Award-winning French film and theatrical actress. She is known for her comedy skills especially with posh and distinguished characters like Rosalind Russell's; characters often defined by the adjective BCBG, bon chic bon genre, and which refers to a particular stereotype of the French upper middle class – to be conservative in both outlook and dress.

From *,
Información General
Lugar de nacimiento
France, Brittany
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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Jolanda Taccone in The Monster
Lucienne in Paulette
Marie-Anne Prossant - une journaliste in Inspector Blunder
La femme de l'amiral in Keep Your Right Up
Mimie Cléry in Agathe Cléry
La Reine Madeleine in You Won't Have Alsace-Lorraine
Catherine 'Karen' Dariller in Agent trouble
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