Diederik Jansz. Graeff

Diederik Jansz. Graeff
Diederik Jansz. Graeff

Dirck Jansz Graeff, also Diederik Jansz Graeff, Lord of the manor Vredenhof, first illustrious member of the De Graeff family, was a rich merchant, ship-owner and politician. Graeff was also the founder of a regent dynasty of the Dutch Golden Age and the short time of the First Stadtholderless Period that retained power and influence for centuries and produced a number of ministers. He was the first Mayor of Amsterdam from the De Graeff family.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Lugar de nacimiento
Kingdom of the Netherlands, Netherlands, North Holland
Fecha de nacimiento
27 de julio, 1589
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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