Liqun Deng

Liqun Deng
Liqun Deng

Deng Liqun was a Chinese politician and theorist who was one of the leading figures of the Communist Party of China during the 1980s, most well known for his involvement with the party's propaganda work. Deng was born in Guidong County, Hunan province, and joined the Communist Party in 1936. He came from an intellectual family and joined the party out of intellectual commitment. He was often referred to as "Little Deng", to be distinguished from Deng Xiaoping, the "Old Deng".

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
27 de noviembre, 1915
Lugar de nacimiento
People's Republic of China, Hunan, Chenzhou
Fecha de nacimiento
10 de febrero, 2015
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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