Chuang Shih-ping

Chuang Shih-ping

Chuang Shih-ping, GBM was a Hong Kong businessman who was the founder of the Hong Kong Nanyang Commercial Bank in 1949 and the Macau Banco Nan Tung in 1950. Zhuang was born in Puning, Guangdong and he came to Hong Kong in 1947. As a member of the pro-Beijing camp, Chuang was appointed a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and a local National People's Congress delegate by the Chinese government. He was awarded the Grand Bauhinia Medal in July 1997 and was among the first to receive this honor.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
20 de enero, 1911
Lugar de nacimiento
People's Republic of China, Guangdong, Jieyang
Fecha de nacimiento
02 de junio, 2007
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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