Rajani Chamcharas, Prince Bidyalongkorn

Rajani Chamcharas, Prince Bidyalongkorn
Rajani Chamcharas, Prince Bidyalongkorn

Rajani Chamcharas, the Prince Bidyalongkorn was a prince of Thailand. He was a member of the Thai royal family, and was a son of Prince Bowon Wichaichan, and thus a great-grandson of Rama II. His many descendants use the Royal surname Rajani. The Historical Dictionary of Thailand notes:

He studied at Suan Gulab and at Cambridge in England. He served in high-level administrative positions in the Ministry of Public Instruction and also the Ministry of Finance. He accompanied King Rama V (Chulalongkorn) on his first visits to Europe. Upon returning from Cambridge, in 1901, he started the magazine Lak Wittaya, which provided translations of Western literary works and offered the Siamese a chance to publish their literary work.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
10 de enero, 1876
Lugar de nacimiento
Fecha de nacimiento
23 de julio, 1945
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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