Atul Parchure

Atul Parchure

Atul Parchure was an Indian actor who performed in films, television serials, and on stage. He was mainly known for his comedic roles in Marathi and Hindi film industry. Although he was mainly seen working in movies, he played like Vasu Chi Sasu, Priyatama, and Tarun Turk Mhatare Arka to his credit. He worked alongside various actors and was seen playing supporting roles. Some of his work can be seen in the movies Navra Mazha Navsacha, Salaam-E-Ishq, Partner, All the Best: Fun Begins, Khatta Meetha, Bbuddah... Hoga Terra Baap, and Brave Heart. His 2017 release includes the Marathi drama film Conditions Apply - Ati Lagu. Directed by Girish Mohite, the movie along with Atul Parchure stars Subodh Bhave, Radhika Vidyasagar and Dipti Srikanth in the lead.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
30 de noviembre, 1966
Lugar de nacimiento
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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