Arthur Wilbraham Dillon Bell

Arthur Wilbraham Dillon Bell

Arthur Wilbraham Dillon Bell was an engineer active in New Zealand and Western Australia. Bell was a son of Francis Dillon Bell; his father was at the time of his birth a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives. His elder brother, Francis Bell, would later be Prime Minister of New Zealand. Bell received his secondary schooling in New Zealand and after a time in journalism and as a public servant, he went to England to train as an engineer. After a short period of engineering work in England, he returned to New Zealand in 1879, and in 1891 he went to Western Australia. He retired young in 1907 and returned to live in New Zealand. In 1917, the Bells moved to Melbourne to be with their daughter's family.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
04 de abril, 1856
Fecha de nacimiento
29 de mayo, 1943
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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