Anthony Denny

Anthony Denny
Anthony Denny

Sir Anthony Denny was Groom of the Stool to King Henry VIII of England, thus his closest courtier and confidant. He was the most prominent member of the Privy chamber in King Henry's last years, having together with his brother-in-law, John Gates, charge of the "dry stamp" of the King's signature, and attended the King on his deathbed. He was a member of the Reformist circle that offset the conservative religious influence of Bishop Gardiner. He was a wealthy man, having acquired several manors and former religious sites distributed by the Court of augmentations after the Dissolution of the Monasteries. By 1548 he was keeper of the Palace of Westminster.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
16 de enero, 1501
Fecha de nacimiento
10 de septiembre, 1549
Murió envejecido
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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