Andal Ampatuan

Andal Ampatuan

Andal "Datu Unsay" Uy Ampatuan Jr. is a former Filipino politician who served as mayor of the town of Datu Unsay, Maguindanao and convicted mass murderer. He is the son of patriarch Andal Ampatuan Sr., and his family continues to represent a powerful force in Mindanao politics. His brother, Zaldy Ampatuan, was the regional governor of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). On December 19, 2019, he was convicted, alongside his brother Zaldy Ampatuan and other co-accused, of 57 counts of murder and sentenced by Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 221 Judge Jocelyn Solis-Reyes to reclusión perpetua.

From *,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
15 de agosto, 1960
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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