Akihiro Ota

Akihiro Ota
Akihiro Ota

Akihiro Ota is a Japanese politician of the Komeito Party, currently serving his seventh term in the House of Representatives in the National Diet. Ota has represented three districts within the Tokyo metropolis since first entering the national Diet in 1993. He served as president of the Komeito Party from 2006 until the general election in September 2009, at which time he lost his seat in the Diet. Upon his return to the House in December 2012, Ota was appointed as the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, a post he held until October 2015.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
06 de octubre, 1945
Lugar de nacimiento
Japan, Aichi Prefecture
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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