Abu Abd al-Rahman Ibn Aqil al-Zahiri

Abu Abd al-Rahman Ibn Aqil al-Zahiri

Muhammad bin Umar bin Abd al-Rahman bin Abd Allah al-Aqil, better known as Abu Abd al-Rahman Ibn Aqil al-Zahiri, is a Saudi Arabian polymath. He has, at various times, been referred to as a theologian, jurist, historian, ethnographer, geographer, poet, critic and author. As a member of Saudi Arabia's "Golden Generation," he knew of life both during the poverty of the pre-oil boom era and the prosperity of the 1950s onward.

From *.wikipedia.org,
Información General
Fecha de nacimiento
01 de enero, 1942
Lugar de nacimiento
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Region
Redes sociales , Enlaces
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