Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Saleh

Saleh Ajeery

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Ajeery
Nacidas el June 23, 1920
Murió el February 10, 2022 (aged 101)

Saleh Mohammed Saleh Abdulaziz Al Ajeery is a Kuwaiti astronomer. He wrote many books and articles, and gave several seminars and lectures. He turned 100 in June 2020.

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Saleh Abdullah Kamel

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Kamel
Nacidas el January 1, 1941
Murió el May 18, 2020 (aged 79)

Saleh Abdullah Kamel was a Saudi billionaire businessman. He had a net worth estimated at US$2.3 billion, as of March 2017. He was the chairman and founder of the Dallah al Baraka Group (DBHC), one of the Middle East's largest conglomerates. He was also the chairman of the General Council for Islamic Banks and the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce.

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Saleh Nu'eimeh

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Nu'eimeh
Nacidas el June 24, 1959 (age 65)
Nacidas en Saudi Arabia

Saleh Mohammed Nu'eimah is a Saudi Arabian soccer player.

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Saleh Ali al-Sammad

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Al-Sammad
Nacidas el January 1, 1979
Murió el April 23, 2018 (aged 39)
Nacidas en Saada Governorate

Saleh Ali al-Sammad fue un político yemení que desde el 15 de agosto de 2016 hasta su asesinato el 19 de abril de 2018 fue el presidente del Consejo Político Supremo, principal grupo opositor houthi en el desarrollo de la Guerra Civil Yemení.

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Saleh Al Maghamsi

صالح بن عواد المغامسي العمري الحربي
Nombre Saleh
Apellido Maghamsi
Nacidas el November 17, 1963 (age 60)

Saleh bin Awad al Maghamsi is a sunni Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia. He was the Imam of the Quba Mosque of Medina. He was a student of Ibn Baaz among other Islamic scholars.

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Saleh Selim

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Selim
Nacidas el September 11, 1930
Murió el May 6, 2002 (aged 71)
Nacidas en Cairo Governorate

Saleh Selim was the 10th president of the Egyptian Al Ahly Sporting Club. He also was a famous Egyptian football player and actor. He was nicknamed El Maestro because of his way of leading the Al Ahly football team to many victories. He then became the manager of the team, then member of the board of directors of the club. He finally became one of the most successful presidents of the club.

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Saleh Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Rajhi
Nacidas el January 1, 1921
Murió el February 12, 2011 (aged 90)

Sheikh Saleh Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi was a businessman and philanthropist from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was the founder of Al-Rajhi Bank, the largest Islamic banking institution.

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Saleh Al-Fawzan

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Al-Fawzan
Nacidas el September 28, 1933 (age 90)

Saleh Al-Fawzan is an Islamic scholar and has been a member of several high religious bodies in Saudi Arabia. He is considered to be the most senior scholar of the Salafi movement in Saudi Arabia.

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Saleh Morsi

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Morsi
Nacidas el February 17, 1929
Murió el August 24, 1996 (aged 67)

Saleh Morsi, born in Kafr El-Zayat in 1929, was a popular Egyptian screenwriter and novelist best known for his espionages thrillers. He died of a heart attack in Alexandria, Egypt in August 1996. The number of his books translated into Persian.

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Saleh Gomaa

Nombre Saleh
Apellido Gomaa
Nacidas el August 1, 1993 (age 30)
Altura 175 cm | 5'9

Saleh Gomaa es un futbolista egipcio. Juega de centrocampista y su equipo actual es el Al-Ahly de la Premier League de Egipto.

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