Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Rolf

Rolf Zuckowski

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Zuckowski
Nacidas el May 12, 1947 (age 77)
Nacidas en Germany

Rolf Zuckowski is a German singer-songwriter. He has written and composed music especially for children, but his songs are very popular among adults, too. His compositions involve children in music throughout their childhood and accompany their daily life. Meanwhile, many of his songs have attained the status of Folk songs.

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Rolf Mützenich

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Mützenich
Nacidas el June 25, 1959 (age 65)

Rolf Mützenich is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) who has been serving as chairman of the SPD parliamentary group in the Bundestag since June 2019.

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Rolf Becker

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Becker
Nacidas el March 31, 1935 (age 89)
Nacidas en Germany, Saxony

Rolf Becker is a German television actor and political activist. By his first wife, actress Monika Hansen, he is the father of actor Ben Becker, and actress and singer Meret Becker.

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Rolf Hochhuth

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Hochhuth
Nacidas el April 1, 1931
Murió el May 13, 2020 (aged 89)
Nacidas en Germany, Hesse

Rolf Hochhuth fue un escritor y dramaturgo alemán. Nacido en Eschwege, en el momento en que la ciudad se encontraba en Alemania Occidental antes de la reunificación. Fue una figura controvertida por sus guiones teatrales y otros comentarios públicos, entre los que destacaron insinuaciones sobre el supuesto indiferentismo del Papa Pío XII frente al exterminio de judíos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dichas insinuaciones se encuentran en la obra, escrita en 1963, El vicario. También defendió al negacionista del holocausto David Irving, en 2005. Varias de sus obras han sido llevadas al cine y a Broadway.

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Rolf Harris

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Harris
Nacidas el March 30, 1930 (age 94)
Altura 179 cm | 5'10

Rolf Harris is an Australian entertainer whose career has encompassed work as a musician, singer-songwriter, composer, comedian, actor, painter and television personality. He was convicted in 2014 of the sexual assault of four underage girls, which effectively ended his career.

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Rolf Kanies

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Kanies
Nacidas el December 21, 1957 (age 66)

Rolf Kanies is a German actor who played many high-profile roles on the stage before switching to a career in film and television in 1997. Since then Rolf has specialized in German and international film and television. Movies he has played in have been nominated for a variety of international awards, including an Oscar.

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Rolf Lassgård

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Lassgård
Nacidas el March 29, 1955 (age 69)
Nacidas en Sweden, Jämtland County

Rolf Holger Lassgård es un actor sueco.

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Rolf Saxon

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Saxon
Nacidas el July 7, 1955 (age 69)

Rolf Saxon is an American actor and voice actor. He is known for his voice over work in video games, movies and TV shows.

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Rolf Feltscher

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Feltscher
Nacidas el October 6, 1990 (age 33)
Altura 184 cm | 6'0

Rolf Feltscher Martínez es un futbolista suizo-venezolano que juega como defensa central o lateral en Würzburger Kickers de la 2. Bundesliga de Alemania y en la Selección de Venezuela.

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Rolf Kühn

Nombre Rolf
Apellido Kühn
Nacidas el September 29, 1929
Murió el August 18, 2022 (aged 92)

Rolf Kühn is a German jazz clarinetist and saxophonist. He is the older brother of the pianist Joachim Kühn.

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