Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Norah

Norah Jones

Geethali Norah Jones Shankar
Nombre Norah
Nacidas el March 30, 1979 (age 45)
Altura 156 cm | 5'1

Geethali Norah Shankar Jones, conocida como Norah Jones, es una cantante, compositora, pianista y actriz estadounidense. Ganadora de nueve premios Grammy, ha vendido como cantante más de 40 millones de discos. Su música combina elementos de jazz, blues, soul, country y pop.

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Norah O'Donnell

Nombre Norah
Nacidas el January 23, 1974 (age 50)
Altura 170 cm | 5'7

Norah Morahan O'Donnell is an American television journalist, the anchor of the CBS Evening News and a correspondent for 60 Minutes. She is the former co-anchor of CBS This Morning, Chief White House Correspondent for CBS News, and a substitute host for CBS's Sunday morning show Face the Nation.

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Norah Schuster

Nombre Norah
Nacidas el July 14, 1892
Murió el March 14, 1991 (aged 98)

Norah Henriette Schuster FRCPath was a British pathologist and the first woman to take the pre-clinical medical course at the University of Cambridge. She was the first woman to be appointed as a doctor at the Manchester Royal Infirmary and, in 1950, the first female president of the Association of Clinical Pathologists.

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Norah, Lady Docker

Nombre Norah,
Nacidas el June 23, 1906
Murió el December 11, 1983 (aged 77)

Norah Royce Docker, Lady Docker was an English socialite. A dance hostess at a club in her youth, she married three times, on each occasion to an executive of a business that sold luxury goods. Her third marriage, to Sir Bernard Docker, the chairman of Birmingham Small Arms Company (BSA) and its subsidiary, Daimler, was notable for the couple's extravagant lifestyle. This was often funded by tax writeoffs and company expenditure that could not be legitimately defended, which led to Sir Bernard's removal from BSA's board of directors. She was also banned from Monaco by Prince Rainier after an incident in which she tore up a Monegasque flag.

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Norah Lillian Loxdale Auchinleck

Nombre Norah
Nacidas el July 11, 1872
Murió el April 10, 1951 (aged 78)
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Norah Bankes

Nombre Norah
Nacidas el January 1, 1858
Murió el March 1, 1938 (aged 80)
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Norah Phipps

Nombre Norah
Nacidas el December 22, 1878
Murió el February 22, 1935 (aged 56)
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Norah Borges

Leonor Fanny Borges Acevedo
Nombre Norah
Nacidas el March 4, 1901
Murió el July 20, 1998 (aged 97)
Nacidas en Argentina

Norah Borges, seudónimo de Leonor Fanny Borges, fue una artista plástica y crítica de arte argentina perteneciente al Grupo de Florida, hermana del escritor Jorge Luis Borges, quien la apodaba Norah y la retrataba así:

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Norah Ward

Nombre Norah
Murió el July 23, 1935
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Norah Gwendoline Annella Bomford

Nombre Norah
Nacidas el May 28, 1922 (age 102)
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