Lista de Personas Famosas llamadas Mini

Mini Chang

Nombre Mini
Apellido Chang
Nacidas el July 25, 1991 (age 33)

Mini Chang is a singer and actress. She is in the Taiwanese girl band Hey Girl. To participate in the program because Blackie's Teenage Club (我愛黑澀會) outstanding performance. She was selected as the official debut of the first nine Hey Girl a member of the youngest member of an also is the only team to crush braces.

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Mini Andén

Nombre Mini
Apellido Andén
Nacidas el June 7, 1978 (age 46)
Nacidas en Sweden, Stockholm County
Altura 178 cm | 5'10

Susanna Clara Elisabeth Andén, conocida como Mini Andén, es una exmodelo, actriz y productora sueca. Es más conocida por sus papeles en The Mechanic y Chuck.

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Mini Jakobsen

Jahn Ivar Jakobsen
Nombre Mini
Apellido Jakobsen
Nacidas el November 8, 1965 (age 59)
Nacidas en Norway, Nordland
Altura 168 cm | 5'6

Jahn Ivar Jakobsen, nicknamed Mini, is a Norwegian former football player (winger/forward) who has played for, amongst others, Bodø/Glimt and Rosenborg.

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Mini Mathur

Nombre Mini
Apellido Mathur
Nacidas el August 21, 1969 (age 55)
Nacidas en India, Delhi

Mini Mathur is an Indian television host, actor and model. She was the host of the Indian reality singing contest Indian Idol for 6 seasons. Earlier, she was a VJ on MTV India where she hosted many shows. She has a bachelor degree in English Literature and an MBA in marketing from IMT Ghaziabad and recently played the lead in the Amazon original series Mind the Malhotras for which she received 7 best actor awards for her role as Shefali Malhotra. She hosts the Discovery School Super League on Discovery India and is the producer presenter of her travel series Minime, the first season of which aired on TLC. She also hosted an interview show with politicians, industrialists and opinion makers called Dilli dil se. She also was a contestant in the second season of Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa in 2007.

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Mini Bydlinski

Nombre Mini
Apellido Bydlinski
Nacidas el August 3, 1962 (age 62)
Nacidas en Austria, Styria
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